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发布时间:2021-09-02        浏览次数:29        返回列表

Ad-Star PP woven valve bags for cement

We produce Ad Star woven polypropylene bags for cement, using the original technology of Starlinger (Austria). Our bags production capacity is 44 000 000 sacks per year. Ad Star polypropylene sacks with valve - is the most recent and original packaging for cement and other fine-grained bulk solids. Ad Star bags production technology was specifically designed to replace classic paper bags for cement. Ad Star valve bags differ from classical woven polypropylene bags ("garbage bags"). First of all, our sacks have surface lamination of polypropylene fabric with a mixture of molten polyethylene and polypropylene. This lamination allows to produce high durable polypropylene valve sacks for cement and print 6 color image without distortion on its surface, using customers layout. Also, thanks to the bottom inserts on both sides of valve bags, shape of the bags - is flat brick, which is convenient for manual or automatic palletizing.