DPP-120 Blister packaging machine
一、 性能特点
1、 采用国内最新型的传动机构,由排链带动主传动轴,免除了其它齿轮传动的误差和噪音。
It adopts the newest type high-power transmission mechanism to arrange the chain and drive the main driving shaft. The errors and noises of other gear wheel transmission can be avoided.
2、 电器采用进口控制系统,便可按照客户要求,配置缺料漏补装置和缺粒检测剔除装置。
imported controlling system is adopted; also it can be equipped with detecting and rejection function device for number of medicines according to the user’s requirement.
3、 整机采用分段组合:PVC成形、加料、热封为一段,热带铝冷成形、热封、冲裁为一段可进行分体包装。
The machine adopts separation sectional combination: PVC forming, Feeding, Heating sealing for one section; Tropical cold aluminum forming, Heating sealing and cutting for another one section for separately packaging.
4、 采用光电控制系统,PVC、PTP、硬铝包装自动送料、废边自动冲切装置,确保超长距离多工位同步稳定性。
It adopts photoelectrical controlling system to make PVC, PTP, be cut automatically to guarantee the Synchronous stability of over- length distance and multi stations.
5、 可另配光电检测校正装置,配进口步进电机牵引,图文对版印刷包装,优化包装物档次。
It can be optional equipped with photocell correction device, imported stepper motor traction and image- character register to optimize packing grade
6、 本机适用:胶囊、素片、糖衣、胶丸、针剂、异形等以及医疗器、轻化食品、电子元件泡罩密封包装。
The machine is suitable for packaging of capsule, tablet, coating pills, syringes, medical instruments electronics and etc.
7、 各个工位全部采用4根立柱定位。设备运行稳定,压力平均,调试方便。
All of working stations are adopted four columns for position. It is with stability performance and easy operation.
8、 增加一个压痕工位。全机拥有4个工位,成型工位、热封工位、压痕工位和冲切工位,能满足绝大部分包装要求,包装范围应用广泛。
It can add pressing station. It can be with total of four working stations of forming, sealing, pressing and cutting. It is widely suitable for all requirements of packaging.
9、 增加了卷收废料装置,冲切后的废边连贯整洁,清理方便。
It can add Waste edge device, The waste is in good consistent and clean after cut. It’seasy to clean.
10、 箱体调节采用手摇式齿轮调节。装有刻度,调节简便一目了然。
Box body can be adjusted through swing type gear with level. It’s easy to adjust and check.
11、 热封工位采用气缸下置式。压力平均且外观整洁。
The hot sealing station adopts underneath type air cylinder. The pressure is average and clean appearance.
PVC film roller is built-in,it's sealing and dust-free.