2.漆膜恒久性能优异 :具有优良的耐盐雾、盐水、淡水、耐汽油、抗紫外光耐老化、耐高温、抗低温、耐湿热、耐温变等,具有很好的漆膜性能。
搅拌稀释: 应将漆浆充分搅拌均匀,如遇粘度过大,可适量加自来水稀释。
NBS Water-based metal Anti-rust Paint NBS-128 "Product Manual"
1. Product description:
The Water-based metal Anti-rust Paint is formulated with water as the dispersion medium, using multiple anti-rust mechanisms such as physics and chemistry. It is the best replacement product for the traditional metal anti-rust paint.
2. Features:
1) Excellent environmental protection safety: non-toxic, tasteless, non-polluting, no three wastes, non-flammable and non-explosive, ensuring environmental protection and fire safety, and protecting the health of workers.
2) Excellent film durability: It has excellent resistance to salt spray, salt water, fresh water, gasoline, ultraviolet light, aging resistance, high temperature resistance, low temperature resistance, damp heat resistance, temperature change resistance, etc., and has good paint film performance.
3) Increase efficiency, energy saving and cost reduction: it can be used directly without applying primer, saving time and effort, simple and fast, and can greatly improve work efficiency. Water is used as a diluent, product utilization rate is 100%, and unit coating cost is extremely low.
3. Surface requirements:
1)Before painting, check whether the surface of the painted part is completely dry and whether there is dirt, such as oily dust and sand, on the surface. The painted surface must not be damaged. The oily dust and sand must be removed. Construction can be carried out when the bottom surface is flat and undamaged.
2)Stirring and dilution: The paint slurry should be fully stirred evenly. If the viscosity is too high, it can be diluted with tap water in an appropriate amount.
4. Construction environment:
1) Naturally dry: sunny construction should be selected. The ambient temperature is 5-40℃, and the relative ambient humidity is below 80%. It is not suitable for painting under 3℃ and the ambient humidity is greater than 80%. The paint film should be protected from rain or washing with water within 4 hours after painting.
2) Drying: In order to accelerate the drying of the paint film, it can be dried, the baking temperature is not less than 40 ℃, and the drying time is not less than 20 minutes.
5. Construction method:
This product is suitable for brushing, spraying and dipping.
6. Painting tools:
During the construction process, the painting tool must be used alone, and must not be mixed with other paints or utensils. After use, it should be cleaned with tap water for repeated use.
7. Construction dosage:
Brush once, 1kg spread 4-5 square meters.
8. Product color: mainly iron red and blue.